Thursday, September 2, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Summary

    Colin Adebayo
    Dr. Carr gave a Lecture this week named Learning, Wisdom, and the African World Experience: An Mbongi; this speech was both empowering and enlightening. His research on ancient African language proved that education, literature, and even scholarship began in Africa. Dr. Carr emphasized that words like Sedjem, Ma’at, Sedi, Sankofa, and many more were all existent words long before the colonization of Africa by Europeans. During his lecture Dr. Carr also explained a quote by E. Franklin Frazier in which he criticized the intellectual negro for his limited thinking, and lack of philosophical insight on the meaning of life or lack thereof. Kemet (Ancient Egypt) was also a major focus of the lecture, Dr. Carr greatly stressed the importance of Kemet not only because it is the most advanced of any African Civilization but because many civilizations European, African, or Middle Eastern built their empires on the same principles of the ancient Egyptians. Africans have been greatly ignored by the historians because in the history books we are only a small part when in reality we are the larger percentage of ancient history. The first woman was an African, the first world conquering empire was Kemet(Ancient Egypt) not Rome, even the pyramids which today are still thought of as architectural marvels were built and designed by Africans. Dr. Carr’s lecture was informative and has even managed to inspire me to look deeper into the ancient history of Africa, which is really the ancient history of man since it all began in the motherland.
