Thursday, November 18, 2010

I.W.O.N.O Heart Disease Summary

This week I was enlightened by, Intelligent Women Overcoming New Obstacles, research project. Their research topic was on heart disease, and why it is so prevalent in the black community. Throughout their whole research paper they discussed the different types of heart diseases. Some of those types were stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Atherosclerosis, Congestive Heart Failure, and Coronary Artery Disease. I.W.O.N.O., interviewed Dr. David A. White for more information on heart diseases. According to their presentation, Dr. White indicated that heart disease was more prevalent in the African- American community because we tend to have a diet that is high in saturated fats. I really enjoyed I.W.O.N.O.'s presentation. It was very informational being that my father had to undergo a cardiovascular procedure, do to his unhealthy eating habits.

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