Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Interview With Patricia Elam

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to interview my English professor. So far, Professor Elam is one my favorite professors at Howard University. She is very interesting and creative. Her style of dress in one that I admire. Being able to interview her for Howard's Finest research project was very intriguing. I was able to learn more about her outside of the classroom. Before conducting the interview, I already anticipated Professor Elam's responses. I asked her a couple of questions regarding her thoughts on Uniform in Public Schools , and whether or not she concurs with it. I was not astonished when i asked her how she felt about uniforms in public schools. Her response to my question was, “ I’m against it…I believe kids should have the opportunity to express themselves." I was very excited after my interview with Professor Elam, not only did we discuss the issue but we got to know one another better, we even touched on one of our favorite interest...SHOPPING!!!

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