Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just Greatness Research Project

Just Greatness gave a very interesting presentation on World Hunger. During their presentation they gave assessments from both the economic and political perspectives. During the Economic assessment they touched on some astonishing facts about world hunger. Some of the facts include: there is a large supply of food, the supply is equal to demand, and the cost of supplying food is said to be greater than revenue. Basically what they were saying was that there is enough food for everyone in the world, but the cost of providing everyone with the food would be to high. In the political assessment they explained the need for developing countries to establish stable governments, so they can provide enough resources for their people to survive. They said that developed countries like the United States have less people suffering from starvation because they have stable governments that set up organizations to handle such problems. There presentation was very informative and helped to clarify the causes of starvation in many poverty stricken countries.

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