Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dynamic Bison Research project

The Dynamic Bison gave an excellent presentation on the low graduation rate for African American males in America. The statistics were both disappointing and disheartening. According to their stats only forty-seven percent of black males graduate from high school and fifty-one percent drop out. They said that the reason behind this lack of interest in education lies in the social upbringing of African American males in this country. They said that the lack of parental involvement is a major reason for black males disinterest in their own education. For example, if a young black Male's parents are constantly worried about his academic progress he is more likely to take and interest in his education. They also said that the environment a black male grows up in is a major influence on his educational aspirations and goals. Their Information on the black males of a local crime ridden D.C. neighborhood supported their theory because most of the black males in that area dropped out of high school.

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