Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Thoughts

The first semester has by far been a telling period for me in my maturation. This semester has been a learning experience for me. Being a first semester freshman at Howard University is a growing experience due to the new lifestyle one experiences. Freshman Seminar has been a great experience for me thus far.Going into the course I was not sure at the importance of the course and the effects it would have on me. Then I went to the lectures,that I was glad to be exposed to during the first six weeks of class.The speakers that conducted these lectures were very inspirational and introduced to a different mindset each time a lecture was held.After every lecture I would walk to class reflecting on the words of wisdom the was bestowed upon me.I would have conversations with my peers on the topics that were discussed that day. The replies from my peers were very insightful,showing the enthusiasm we had shared for the course.The trip to the burial was informative as well as a memorable experience being exposed to history that was concealed from me being a native in New York.The work done for the project was great as well.Going to the homeless shelter was eye opening for me to hear the various stories of unfortunate events that brought a feeling of slight sadness to me.I would recommend this course to all students at Howard University.I am glad I have had the opportunity to experience this class with my friends and mature while taking this course.

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