Monday, October 11, 2010

African Burial Ground Trip

Tamika Philip

This past Saturday the Freshman Seminar class visited the African Burial Ground in New York. I was very excited to finally return back home. Although I am from New York, I never knew about the African Burial Ground, which is only about forty-five minutes away from my home. When we arrived to the site one of the workers gave us a brief history on the burial ground. Following the info session, Dr. Carr then led a Libation at the African Burial Ground. The Libation was very inspirational and emotional. I was very impressed with Dr. Carr’s knowledge on the history of the African Burial site. At one point I was starting to believe that Dr. Carr knew more about the burial site than the actual worker. When we arrived inside the building, I was able to go around to the different stations to gain more information on the burial ground. I also got the opportunity to see a video on the history of the African Burial Ground. Perhaps one day I will be able to trace back my ancestors to Africa.

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