Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr. Segun Gbadegesin

This week Dr. Segun Gbadegesin gave a intersesting lecture on Omoluabi: Self Actualization and Communal Responsibility. He spoke on the neccesity of being a productive and positive member of the community. He educated us on how throughout history being a productive member of your community was required in some cultures. For example, the egyptians were required by one of their gods, Maat, to follow these strict principles: dont commit sin, dont commit robbery with violence, do not steal, dont seduce anyone's wife, dont close your ears to the truth, etc. These are only a few of the principles they were required to live by; all of these principles were meant to promote Truth, Justice, Order, Balance, and Harmony. They also had proverbs given to them by Ptahhotep: "A man of character of wealth" and "If you are man who leads and controls the affairs of the many, seek out every beneficient deed, that your conduct may be blameless great is justice, lasting in effect unchallenged since the time of Osiris." He also defined the word "Omoluabi", "a child begotten of the chief of iwa". He also explained that a more in depth definition would be, "a person of character, disciplined, self-improving, thus earning the respect of peers and community on account of practical wisdom in putting knowledge acquired through education to the service of the community, and not shying away from personal sacrifices when needed". Dr. Gbadegesin's lecture was very informational and enlighting.

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