Wednesday, October 13, 2010

African Burial Ground

Traveling to the African burial ground was truly a great experience. There is so much history and legacy behind the African burial ground. Just standing near the mounds, a feeling of happiness and sadness came over me. Walking through the doors of return was an eye opener. I also enjoyed learning about the many culture symbols that predates the bible. These symbols, that were the first written language before most civilizations, represented love, trust, family, faith and protection. Watching the movie about the finding of the African bones to the celebration of finally letting them rest in peace gave me a sense of injustice and the power of community. It educated me on how these Africans buried their dead and their celebration of the life that was lost in which is still done today. I think it took real courage and dedication on those in New York to fight against those who showed no respect for the dead. I enjoyed watching the video of the court cases where many prominent politicians spoke against the building of infrastructure over a grave site. I loved the way they went from city to city, having their own celebration for each lost life. They walked, danced, and sang through the streets to show those who had no respect for the dead that this burial site is important to the African American community and the USA.

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