Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr. Segun Gbadegesin

In this week’s freshman seminar lecture, we were spoken to by Dr. Segun Gbadegesin. He spoke to us about “Omoluabi:” Self Actualization and communal responsibility. The lecture focused on the need of not only bettering ourselves but also our community. Omoluabi is a concept in the Yoruba culture, a road they take to becoming a human of great character. He explained that the closer an individual gets to becoming one of great character, the closer one becomes to Iwa; God. He also brought up the fact that there were beliefs of morality before the bible came into existence. The philosophy of Goddess Ma’at, Vizier Ptahhotep, and Pharaoh Amenemope all spoke about principles of truth, justice, responsibility and becoming one with the earth. The “Principles of Ma’at” is one that is still followed today. The principles included truth, justice, maintaining order, balance and harmony. The more you grasp these concepts the more respect you will receive. Ptahhotep spoke about the same concepts. He once said, “A man of character is a man of wealth.” To become a man with character, one has to understand the good of existence. This means you have to have a responsibility of self. Having responsibility to self means you remake yourself through education. Good existence also means having responsibility to the community. Having responsibility to the community means that you serve and remake the community with education. He spoke about avoiding mis- education. Teach yourself and understand Iwa Lewa; good character is beauty and Iwa Lesin; the essence of religion.

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