Monday, October 11, 2010

New York City

My trip to the African Burial grounds in New York city was a very moving experience. I found it sad that I am from New York City and had never been to the site. So when I found out we were going i was very excited to go. The burial grounds are in Manhattan and we arrived around 11 in the morning. The first thing we did was go t the actual place where some of the African people were buried. Dr. Carr introduced us to a ritual that allowed us to pay homage to our fallen ancestors that were forced to live horrible lives of slavery. Every time we acknowledged their plight and struggles we poured water on the burial ground. In addition to that we said a Nigerian word "ashe". This made everything so much more deeper when we were walking around looking at all different signs of religions that the slave brought from their native countries. When we walked in the museum part of the trip we were shown a video of the lives of a certain slave family and all the strife that the family went through. Then we we were able to look around the museum and look at the bones that were discovered and look at the characteristics that some of the slaves had. We then headed out to Harlem at the Apollo theatre where we let out and allowed to roam around New York City. This trip helped me realize the struggle that my ancestors went thru and that i should appreciate my freedom.

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